Disclaimer: This site is not for snowflakes, people offended by words, or those that dislike facts. It is for anyone with an open mind that doesn't blindly accept anything said by the government or media. If you are already offended or need a safe space, perhaps Bob Ross can comfort you.

Filter Types

Filters are classified by their resistance to degradation by oil-based aerosols.
  • N-Series filters are not oil-resistant.
  • R-Series are somewhat oil-resistant, and, in industrial use, typically have an 8-hour time-use limitation.
  • P-Series are oil-resistant and rarely have use-time limitations.
Filters are available in three efficiency levels – 95, 99, 100. Example, N95 blocks 95% of the time a particle > 3 microns.


Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures states,
In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks.

Science Brief: Community Use of Cloth Masks to Control the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 states,
SARS-CoV-2 infection is transmitted predominately by respiratory droplets generated when people cough, sneeze, sing, talk, or breathe. < later in same article> Cloth masks block 20-30 microns and in some cases during exhalation block 10 microns.

Quotes and References

In practicality, when worn properly, N95 masks are suffocating, uncomfortable, and difficult to tolerate for long durations. Best practices for N95 use require intermittent, individualized fit testing and a seal check on donning.
Caitlin M. Dugdale, MD; Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH; 11 AUG 2020

Some challenges of wearing masks
  • You might feel anxious or panicky, as covering your mouth and nose might affect the air you breathe. This can cause symptoms like feeling dizzy or sick, which you may then associate with your mask.
  • You might feel trapped or claustrophobic.
  • Covering your face changes the way you look, which may cause negative feelings around your identity or body image.
  • Certain materials touching your skin might feel very hard to cope with (which may create sensory overload).
  • If you wear glasses, they might steam up so you can't see clearly. This might add to feeling overwhelmed.
  • Seeing people with covered faces might make you feel uneasy or scared of others. They might seem threatening, sinister, or dehumanised.
  • Masks are a visual reminder of the virus, so seeing masks might make you feel on edge or unable to relax. It might seem like danger is everywhere.
  • Wearing or seeing people wear masks might trigger a memory of a traumatic event.
© Mind. This information is published in full at mind.org.uk


No masks blocks the corona virus. The mask is designed to decrease the probability you will spread the virus. It protects you if you are an individual that has a habit of putting your unclean hands in your mouth or nose. Because there is no 100% solution available for 100% of the time for 100% of the people, the Poisson distribution comes into play. The use of masks may change when you get the virus. It is technically possible, that you could extend when you get the virus until after the scientific community finds a solution. The vaccines are not the solution, but that is another topic.

P.S. The people that claimed to have debunked the below meme are wrong. The mask does not stop ALL respiratory droplets. Once again Poisson distribution comes into play.
1999 - 2021 extremethoughts.com